Tag Archives: Gentle Giraffe

Tips & Tools For Fools

I use the term Fools in jest.

It simply rhymed with Tools.

But as we continue the countdown, at times I feel foolish. You read something, or you hear something and you can’t believe you hadn’t pondered that scenario yet.

I think I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but I really enjoy hearing from other parents–especially parents who have recently experienced the process–to limit said foolishness.

My good friend Randy and his wife Meredith are new parents to Carter–just a couple months old. He’s a handsome devil, a Sun Devil perhaps since his father is an ASU alum.

I chatted about the Gentle Giraffe in a post a couple of days ago and Meredith commented via Facebook (pass along your notes to me on Facebook here if you would like) that the giraffe has been great and continues to soothe Carter. (By the way, thanks to Molly’s aunt Joan and cousins Erin, Brittany and Kelly, who are listed in no particular order to avoid a debacle, for gifting us the giraffe. Perhaps we will name the giraffe after you guys??)

But here’s the best part about friends who are pulling for you–she suggested an item I would have never even pondered, but she feels was crucial for their little clan: The Itzbeen Baby Care Timer.

Of course, this is key. I’m trying to put my arms around what the first few hours, days and weeks will be like and I keep telling myself, “Any gadget that will help I need!” Well, I can tell you that with a few dollars on our gift card remaining I will be investing in this. Mostly because a trusted source is recommending it, but because I’m not great at math either. I mean, it will remind you from which breast fountain the baby last fed for cripes sake!

But I think Meredith’s point to me was that you can be damn prepared, taking great care of the little one and still be REALLY tired and overwhelmed–a little help doesn’t hurt from an awesome device. And these little victories become World Championships–at least that’s how I envision it.

I’m going to look into another recommendation from the Spielmans–the book, Baby 411, as well.

Thanks Meredith–hopefully your husband is doing his part, too!

READER INPUT REQUEST: Do you have any suggestions for quality parental iPhone Apps?


Filed under 26 Days of Awesome, BREAKING NEWS

The Gentle Giraffe Stands Tall

SulliBaby's cradle ready for sleep activation. To help, the Gentle Giraffe is poised to play a role.

As the days go by, preparation for the arrival of SulliBaby increases in earnest.

SulliMom has completed most of the laundry with the specific baby-friendly detergent. Cradle is complete (see photo). Crib is prepped with mobile. Hospital bag is packed and ready in the back of the SuLiberty.

And I am breezing through The Happiest Baby on the Block. Great read so far; I’m learning stuff. I’ll provide a full review upon completion.

Along the same lines as the book–calming a fussy baby–is a product that seems pretty awesome upon first interaction.

Enter the Gentle Giraffe by Cloud B.

It was one of a bevy of Tsunami gifts we received–I’ll have to check on the benefactor.

I’m learning that keeping the newborn’s environment as similar to SulliMom’s internal condo will be key. The giraffe provides some soothing sounds, including static white noise that replicates what it sounds like in the womb, a faux heartbeat intended to duplicate Molly’s heartbeat and safari sounds. I did a little test run and nearly returned to my old pacifier. We’ll see how it works in the regular season soon.

Off to Vagina Doctor in a bit. In addition, it appears we’re picking up our official wedding photos today.

I was worried the baby would arrive before wedding photos. Can you say, IRISH-CATHOLIC?


Filed under 26 Days of Awesome, BREAKING NEWS