Tag Archives: Hospital Bag

Lazy Sunday & Car Seat Install

It’s the Chronic (WHAT!) les of Narnia…

I enjoy this SNL digital short. I realized a dream when we visited Magnolia Bakery in NYC.

Later today, we’ll embark upon the installation of the Graco car seat deal into the trail rated SuLiberty. I imagine this to provide another reality check for us. The Graco Snugride appears to possess some awesomeness. I’m also picking up a few Clif Bars for the hospital bag to keep me nourished during SulliLabor.

I mean, it’s not like they offer expectant dads epidurals. Cripes.


Filed under 26 Days of Awesome, BREAKING NEWS

The Gentle Giraffe Stands Tall

SulliBaby's cradle ready for sleep activation. To help, the Gentle Giraffe is poised to play a role.

As the days go by, preparation for the arrival of SulliBaby increases in earnest.

SulliMom has completed most of the laundry with the specific baby-friendly detergent. Cradle is complete (see photo). Crib is prepped with mobile. Hospital bag is packed and ready in the back of the SuLiberty.

And I am breezing through The Happiest Baby on the Block. Great read so far; I’m learning stuff. I’ll provide a full review upon completion.

Along the same lines as the book–calming a fussy baby–is a product that seems pretty awesome upon first interaction.

Enter the Gentle Giraffe by Cloud B.

It was one of a bevy of Tsunami gifts we received–I’ll have to check on the benefactor.

I’m learning that keeping the newborn’s environment as similar to SulliMom’s internal condo will be key. The giraffe provides some soothing sounds, including static white noise that replicates what it sounds like in the womb, a faux heartbeat intended to duplicate Molly’s heartbeat and safari sounds. I did a little test run and nearly returned to my old pacifier. We’ll see how it works in the regular season soon.

Off to Vagina Doctor in a bit. In addition, it appears we’re picking up our official wedding photos today.

I was worried the baby would arrive before wedding photos. Can you say, IRISH-CATHOLIC?


Filed under 26 Days of Awesome, BREAKING NEWS